IELTS Speaking Mock Test - Band 6.5
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Do you know what a band 8 candidate’s speaking skills are like? In this is a speaking mock test with my student Regis, who's recently got band 6.5 at IELTS speaking test, does a full speaking test. At feedback, we worked on a few adjustments to how to approach the questions. Ultimately, he got an excellent score on the test.
I am sharing this here so you can see what a high-level response should be like:
The lesson notes:

Want to take the IELTS test but don’t know if you’re ready yet?
Here’s a free practice test you can take.
A post featuring a self-assessment grid students can use and a great website where teachers can create a professional assessment of students’ level of English
A simple track list to make sure you cover all listening question types before the test: