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A lot of people love coffee but don’t understand the actual difference between recipes and how to pronounce words. In this quick post, we are going to work on that.


Recipe differences

Well, they all have the same ingredients: espresso, hot milk (steamed milk), froth (milk foam).

The difference is the quantities.

- Cappuccino is the most creamy:

It takes the same amount of hot frothed milk, with a dose of espresso. And no chocolate syrup as some people think in Brazil. Sometimes you get chocolate sprinkles on top

- Latte (lah-tay) has hot milk, espresso and a little frothed milk on top.

- Mocha (mou-kah) takes the same amounts of latte, with the difference that a little bit of chocolate is also included. Whip cream (whipped cream) is an extra option.

- Flat white is similar to our coffee with milk, or what in Rio de Janeiro people call average.

- Macchiato takes coffee and a little foamy milk on top. Good for those who don't like milk, but like the creamy texture of the froth.

Oh, and remember: no ordering your coffee saying 'give me' or 'I want'. The right way is: "Can I have a .... please?"

coffee cafe kinds of coffee mocha macchiato flat white cappuccino latte